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Miami Unified School District #40

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Intermediate School » Lee Kornegay Intermediate

Lee Kornegay Intermediate

Lee Kornegay Intermediate
Amanda Shaffer
Teacher on Assignment
Brittney Johnson
 Brittney  Johnson`s profile picture
Office Secretary


The staff at Lee Kornegay Intermediate School is dedicated to educating our students.  Improving their knowledge and skills, however, is not our only duty.  We aim not only to educate our students, but also to help them become honest, kind, responsible, and hard-working.  Character matters.  All these goals are more easily met when the school and families work together to provide for the students. A partnership between Lee Kornegay and the families we serve is one of the greatest assets that can be offered to the young learners of Miami Schools.


What can LKIS staff do to strengthen that partnership?

Model integrity to the youngsters at LK.

Communicate frequently with parents. (See the ClassDojo link on this page!)

Listen to the feedback from our students and families.

Continually strive to improve our curriculum and instruction.


What can LKIS families do to strengthen that partnership?

Make sure kids are in school every day, on time.

Make sure the kids read daily at home, and complete any homework.

Frequent communication with teachers.

Support teacher efforts.


Lee Kornegay teaching and office staffs welcome communication from parents. Please contact us with any questions, needs or feedback.

